A Coffee With… Tamara Dove-O’Hara

Which person has inspired you the most in your life, and why?

My mother. I sadly lost her when I was 22. She worked three jobs sometimes, had bad arthritis, and replacement joints. She never complained and was always there to support me through the good and the bad.

What is your proudest career achievement to date?

I had a case before a Judge who had the view that autism couldn’t be diagnosed before seven years of age.

My client wanted an independent social worker to oversee contact with the father due to the child being assessed for autism at age four.

Having a child with autism myself - whose assessment began at two years old and was eventually diagnosed at age four - I was able to change the view of the Judge and achieve the best outcome for my client and the child.

Being willing to share my personal experience of having a child with autism changed the outcome for my client in a very positive way.

What time of day do you like to drink your coffee (or tea)?

I actually don’t drink tea or coffee! I’ve tried, but I just don’t like the taste. You can always tempt me with a hot chocolate with all the trimmings, though!

What’s your favourite snack to have with your coffee or tea (or hot chocolate)?

Crisps. It’s the salty-sweet combination.

Milk and sugar?

Both in my hot chocolate. Even with the cream, marshmallows, and flake, I still need the sugar!

Which famous person would you most like to have a coffee with, and why?

Sarah Millican. I enjoy her comedy and she has such interesting stories to which I can relate. I’m sure the conversation would be fun-filled on both sides.

How do you relax away from work?

I really love cooking shows, especially Gordon Ramsey, so a hot chocolate sitting in the recliner chair and drooling over food I can’t cook (and Gordon Rasmey!) is ideal.



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